Thomas Ely BELLER (Jr)


____ - ____

Father: Thomas Ely BELLER
Mother: Eleanor Ruth MCCRARY

 _Thomas Ely BELLER ____|
|                       |_________________________
|--Thomas Ely BELLER 
|                        _James Franklin MCCRARY _
|_Eleanor Ruth MCCRARY _|
                        |_Eulah Edith WILSON _____+


[497] still living - details excluded

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Martha L. (Matt) CARRUTH

ABT 1838 - ____

Father: Alexander CARRUTH
Mother: Elizabeth (Betsy) WILSON

Family 1 : Kincaid DIXON
  1.  Joseph W. (Joe) DIXON

 _Alexander CARRUTH ________|
|                           |_________________________
|--Martha L. (Matt) CARRUTH 
|                            _David Carroll WILSON ___+
|_Elizabeth (Betsy) WILSON _|
                            |_Jane (Jinny) CAROTHERS _


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Aflred D. JAMES

____ - ____

Family 1 : Cynthy HENDERSON

|  |__
|--Aflred D. JAMES 
|   __


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Wilson Otis LINN


____ - ____

Father: Otis LINN
Mother: Lucy Gabriella WILSON

Family 1 : Velaska GEROSIC

 _Otis LINN _____________|
|                        |_______________________
|--Wilson Otis LINN 
|                         _David Preston WILSON _+
|_Lucy Gabriella WILSON _|
                         |_Gabriella SHORT ______


[820] still living - details excluded

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____ - ____

Family 1 : Delilah Jane WILSON

|  |__
|   __


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Clyde Homer WHITMAN


____ - ____

Father: William Alonzo WHITMAN
Mother: Doshia BURGE

Family 1 : Jennie Kay TRAMMEL
  1.  Danna Marie WHITMAN

 _William Alonzo WHITMAN _|
|                         |____________________
|--Clyde Homer WHITMAN 
|                          _James Homer BURGE _+
|_Doshia BURGE ___________|
                          |_Lucy GILLIE _______


[581] still living - details excluded

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Betty Jean WILSON

____ - ____

Father: James Milton WILSON
Mother: Una FULTON

Family 1 : A.H. GANZE
  1.  Karen Lynn GANZE

                        _Leonidas Thomas (Tom) WILSON _+
 _James Milton WILSON _|
|                      |_Lula Deane LYLE ______________
|--Betty Jean WILSON 
|                       _______________________________
|_Una FULTON __________|


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Tarissa WILSON


18 Jan 1809 - 23 Dec 1869

Father: Jonathan WILSON
Mother: Narcissa WILSON

                    _Zacheus Captain WILSON ______+
 _Jonathan WILSON _|
|                  |_Elizabeth Conger ROSS _______
|--Tarissa WILSON 
|                   _David Carroll Wilson, MAJOR _+
|_Narcissa WILSON _|
                   |_Jane (Jean) Rowan SHARP _____


[91] Never married.

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Zaccheus Sr WILSON

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

ABT 1713 - ABT 1795

Father: Robert WILSON
Mother: Rachel PRICKLOW

Family 1 : Martha UNKNOWN
  1. +Robert Sr "Old Robin" WILSON
  2. +Samuel Jr. WILSON
  3. +David Carroll Wilson, MAJOR
  4. +Zacheus Captain WILSON
  5.  Elizabeth WILSON
  6. +Mary WILSON
  7.  Martha WILSON
Family 2 : Frances UNKNOWN
  1.  Anney WILSON
  2.  Joseph WILSON
  3.  Margret WILSON
  4.  James WILSON
  5.  Issac WILSON
  6.  William WILSON

                    _Isaac WILSON _+
 _Robert WILSON ___|
|                  |_Ann THIGPEN __
|--Zaccheus Sr WILSON 
|                   _______________
|_Rachel PRICKLOW _|


[1] Last Will and Testament of Zacheus Wilson, Sr. (1713-1795/1796)

[2] In the name of God, Amen. I Zacheus Wilson, and of the County of Ogelthorpe and state of Georgia, furthermore being sick and weak in body, but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God, calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it's
appointed for all mankind to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give my soul to God that gave it to me and my body I commend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at
the discretion of my executors. Nothing doubting but at the general ressurection I shall receive the same by the mighty hand of God, and as touching such worldy state where with it has pleased God to bless me with in this life. I give and demise and
despose of int the following manner and form.

[3] First: I will that all my lawful debts be paid.

[4] Secondly: give to my son Zacheus Wilson the land where on I now live by him freely holded and enjoyed with the advantages passing from it and he, the said son is to have my Negro boy named Gay and the boy named Daniel and the Negro woman named Nell and
the wagon and horses that I am now possessing of is all to be his and two cows and one feathered bed and furniture and one half of the household and kitchen furniture.

[5] Thirdly: I give and bequeath to ny now wise beloved wife Francis my Negro woman named Dinah to be hers whilst she lives and if the child that said Dinah is now with lives it is to be at my wife's own disposal. But at her death the said Dinah and all
her other increase is to be my sons Zacheus and my wife is to have two cows and thye are to be at her own disposal and my son Zacheus is to is to find his mother bread and meat while she chooses to live with him, but if at any time she should see fit
to remove her living to any other place, he is then not obligated to find her the said provisions any longer and my wife is to have two feather beds and furniture to them and the then half of the household furniture and they are to be at her own

[6] Fourthly: I give my daughter Anney and my son Joseph and daughter Margaret and my son James and my son Issac and my son William, each one five shillings.

[7] Fifthly: My son Zacheus is to furnish his mother with a good quiet horse to ride to meeting and any other place that she may be called to go, while she chooses to live with him and if at any time she should see fit to remove her living to any other
place he is to give her a good horse with and at her death said horse is to be my son Zacheus'.

[8] Sixthly: My hogs and remaining of my cattle is to be for the use of my family that is now living with me and I hereby constitute, make and ordain my now well beloved son Zacheus Wilson and my true trustworthy friend Wm Brosser executors of this my last
will and testament in witness hereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 20th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five in the twentieth year of American independence.

[9] Zacheus Wilson, Seal
Signed and sealed in the presence of
James Younge
Thomas Gilham

[10] and recorded in Record Book A the 3rd of June 1796, Ogelthorpe County, Georgia; Will book A; FHL Film 0158727

[11] Ref: WFT #3906

[12] Ref: Application to DAR: by Thelma Scrivner Tulipana, 14-Dec-1976; National #

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